Event News

Event News

Citizen’s Platform vows to leave no one behind

December 11, 2017 |by Admin | 0 Comments | Event News |

There is a need to formulate appropriate policy framework and develop specific action plan accordingly to ensure the inclusion of marginalised and vulnerable groups of the society in the development process in a move to attain the core aspiration of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – ‘Leave No One Behind (LNOB)’.


বিপন্ন জনগোষ্ঠীর স্বরকে জোরালো করতে নাগরিক সমাজের এসডিজি সম্মেলন – কাউকে পেছনে রাখা যাবে না

December 4, 2017 |by Admin | 0 Comments | Event News | , ,

The Citizen’s Platform for SDGs, Bangladesh will hold a day-long conference titled “Citizen’s Conference on SDGs in Bangladesh 2017” in the capital’s Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB) on Wednesday 6 December, 2017.